Bandoneon International

Rodolfo Mederos /

Rocco Heins



Toquemos a la parrilla 1,2&3

Have you missed the these workshops? No worries, you can catch up!
All 3 levels of this course are now available online!
Each Level consists of 4x90 minutes of video and accompanying pdf material, €80 per level (€40 for people who live in Argentina). The videos are the recordings of the original workshops which took place on Zoom. All workshops are in Spanish, with simultaneous translation into English.

Cada nivel consta de 4x90 minutos de vídeo y material pdf de acompañamiento, €80 por nivel (€40 para las personas que viven en Argentina). Los vídeos son las grabaciones de los talleres originales que tuvieron lugar en Zoom. Todos los talleres son en español, con traducción simultánea al inglés.

Nivel/Level 1:


Tocar de oído una melodía simple con mano derecha.–Percibir modos mayor-menor y relación tónica/dominante/subdominante.



  • Detectar fragmentos musicales (motivos, etc.) para comprender mejor la forma;

  • Transformación melódica (cambio de articulación);

  • Tocar con mano derecha mientras se acompaña con mano izquierda.


  • Armar acordes con mano izquierda;

  • Detectar y tocar la armonía básica;

  • Construir el ritmo y acorde (modelos básicos: pesante en dos / marcato).



Perceive major-minor modes and tonic/dominant/subdominant relationship

  • To detect musical fragments (motives, etc.) to better understand the form;

  • Melodic transformation (change of articulation);

  • Playing with the right hand while accompanying with the left hand.

  • To build chords with the left hand;

  • To detect and play basic harmony;

  • To build rhythm and chord (basic models: pesante in two / marcato).


NIvel/Level 2:


Tocar de oído con mano derecha melodía de tipo melódico y rítmico mientras se acompaña con mano izquierda

  • Adornar la melodía

  • Espesar la melodía con una / ambos manos (unísono, sextas, octavas);

  • Emplear otros modelos rítmicos básicos (síncopa, arrastre);

  • Aplicar pasajes de enlace;

  • Armar acordes en ambos manos;

  • Rearmonizar (dominante secundario, grupo cadencial, quinto de apoyatura)

LEvel 2:


Ability to play legato and rhythmic melodies by ear with the right hand while accompanying with the left hand.

  • Ornamentation of the melody

  • Give weight to the melody with one hand and/or both hands (unison, sixths, octaves)

  • Use of other basic rhythmic models (syncopation, arrastre)

  • Use of linking passages

  • Building chords in both hands

  • Reharmonization (secondary dominant, cadential groups, appoggiaturas using fifths)




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  • la información llegará pronto

  • la información llegará pronto



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  • info will come soon

  • info will come soon

Toquemos Solo Bandoneon, level 1&2

Have you missed the these workshops? No worries, you can catch up!
Level I&II of this course is now available online!
Each Level consists of 4x90 minutes of video and accompanying pdf material, €80 per level (€40 for people who live in Argentina). The videos are the recordings of the original workshops which took place on Zoom. All workshops are in Spanish, with simultaneous translation into English.

Cada nivel consta de 4x90 minutos de vídeo y material pdf de acompañamiento, €80 por nivel (€40 para las personas que viven en Argentina). Los vídeos son las grabaciones de los talleres originales que tuvieron lugar en Zoom. Todos los talleres son en español, con traducción simultánea al inglés.

Toquemos Solo Bandoneón will explore the topic of musical interpretation.

In this series of classes, we will address two aspects: the production of sound, and the phrasing of the language of tango.

Working with the masterful arrangements of Rodolfo Mederos, we will discover the true depth of tango music, through the beautiful sound of the Bandoneon.

A well-written score contains everything you need. It only lacks one small detail - musicality. Playing music is not just repeating what is on the page. The same score could be played in many different ways without changing any of the written elements.

These workshops will lead us beyond merely reproducing what is written, they will teach us how to interpret it and to find our own expression.

Rocco Heins

Basic Tools for leadsheet playing I

A Block of 4x90 minutes

Techniques for Accompaniment and Melody.

This is the first set of 4 classes of a course.

Rocco Heins

Basic Tools for leadsheet playing II

A Block of 4x90 minutes

Techniques for Accompaniment and Melody.

This is the second set of 4 classes of a course.

Rocco Heins

Basic Tools for leadsheet playing III

A Block of 4x90 minutes

Techniques for Accompaniment and Melody.

This is the third set of 4 classes of a course.